It was with great effort that everyone rolled out of bed this morning. Lots of groans and lots of coffee. Definitely slump day. Shortly after the team got to the worksite, I got a call from Steve asking me to bring bug spray, fans and extension cords. It was so muggy they needed fans running to get the paint to dry. I arrived to find Melanie trying to keep her glasses unfogged as she painted. It is very humid today. Kathy and I brought tacos and popsicles over for lunch. The group had definitely perked up. About half the group is going to stay an extra couple hours today and finish up the trim. That may mean we have completed our assignment and will be assigned something else - but we will have to wait until they return to find out.Kathy peeled 10 lbs of potatoes this afternoon and only got a little bit of her finger in the pot...
It is hard to believe we only have one more work day left! The week is going by very quickly. Our bunk areas have quickly become home and we are enjoying each other and our community building very much - except, of course, when we are annoying.... (did I mention Andy making Chewbacca noises in the van?)